Saturday, August 3, 2019

Brett's Monthly


It’s that time again when we have a new month and when Byter Brett B sends a list of the coming holidays, celebrations and sometimes just plain bizarre occasions.

Following are Brett’s lists with a quick look at some of the first on the daily list, (some of which are past) which can be amplified by clicking on those dates.

As always, Brett, thank you.


  • Admit You're Happy Month
  • Family Fun Month
  • Dog Days of Summer - July 3 - August 11
  • International Clown Week - always August 1-7
  • National Catfish Month
  • National Eye Exam Month
  • National Golf Month
  • Peach Month
  • Romance Awareness Month
  • Water Quality Month
  • National Picnic Month
Weekly Events:
  • Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week
  • Week 2 National Smile Week
  • Week 3 Friendship Week
  • Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week
August, 2019 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
International Beer Day - First Friday in August
Campfire Day - First Saturday in August
International Hangover Day - First Saturday in August
National Clown Day - Satuday during International Clown Week
National Mustard Day first Saturday
Friendship Day - First Sunday in August
International Forgiveness Day - First Sunday in August
Sisters Day - First Sunday in August
Chinese Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day - 7th day of 7th Lunar Month
12 Eid-Ul-Adha - date varies
14/15 V-J Day - which date do you celebrate as the end of WWII?
15 Relaxation Day - now this one's for me!
17 National Honey Bee Awareness Day - Third Saturday
22 National Tooth Fairy Day - and/or February 28
28 Race Your Mouse Day -but we are not sure what kind of "mouse"
31 Internaional Bacon Day - Saturday before Labor Day


A day not on the list to start us off . . .


August 1:  Horses’ Birthday

In the southern hemisphere the date of birth of all horses is deemed to be August 1. In the northern hemisphere it is January 1.


The reason for the selection of the first day of August in the southern hemisphere, as opposed to say the first day of January, May or November is that historically, the weather at the commencement of September is just beginning to warm up, prompting mares to commence their oestrus cycle, or ‘come into season’. A mare’s oestrus cycle is stimulated by the presence of extended daylight, nature intending that foals be born eleven months later through spring and summer when feed is plentiful so that mares can produce good supplies of nutritious milk. Therefore, mares successfully bred early in September will produce foals in early August.


August 1: National Girlfriends Day

Some sites say that this day is for pampering and spoiling one’s own girlfriend. others say that it is a time for friends, who are girls, that the proper title is Girl Friends Day.  The latter suggest that it is a day to get together and take time out to live it up a little, to celebrate their special bond of friendship.


August 1: National Mountain Climbing Day

National Mountain Climbing Day was established in honour of Bobby Matthews and his friend Josh Madigan, who successfully climbed the 46 high peaks of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains. These two young men climbed the final 46th peak (Whiteface Mountain) on August 1, 2015 and were formally inducted into the “Adirondack 46er Club” in May, 2016.

The day encourages people to climb ev’ry mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow  ‘till you find your dream.  Nahh, the bits after climbing mountains is from The Sound of Music, they’re not part of Mountain Climbing Day. 

Does climbing the stairs at my home qualify?


August 1:  National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

The name suggests what the celebration is for, although how and when it started is a mystery.  It is celebrated on this day in that it is the height of summer in the US and raspberries are plentiful.

The expression "blowing a raspberry", meaning nmaking a sound of derision that mimics flatulence, derives from the Cockney rhyming slang "raspberry tart" for "fart".


August 2: International Beer Day

International Beer Day is a global celebration of beer that takes place on the first Friday in August each year.  I would imagine that there is really only one way to celebrate such a day.

Those who think that the beer boot originated from the 2006 film Beerfest need to think again. 


The boot drinking vessels actually appeared first in England in the early 19th century. They were riding boots and served at hunting lodges. They did not stay in fashion for very long, however. You can easily spot the English beer boots because the boot will have a spur strap and they are often rimmed with silver. These glasses are highly sought after by collectors. By the mid 19th century, the beer boot made its way to Germany and became very popular. The tradition of drinking beer from a boot started in the military as a hazing ritual. Young men were initiated into their troop by having to drink an entire boot of beer from the literal boot of a fellow soldier. This ritual became one of pride and congratulations. It is widely believed that generals would offer their troops the reward of drinking from the general’s own boot for a battle won. There is no record of that promise ever actually being fulfilled, however. Boots were later engraved and given as gifts to honor servicemen or retirees. After World War II, American’s brought the beer boot back to their home. Companies began producing and selling their own boots to beer drinkers. Cowboy boots were even made and marketed across the Southwest. The boot really didn’t reach popularity in the United States, however, until the release of the movie “Beerfest” in 2006. The movie depicts a German drinking contest, which culminates with chugging from a two-litre beer boot aptly named “Das Boot”. Das Boot of course translates to The Boat not the boot and is the title of a famous German movie from 1981 starring Jรผrgen Prochnow who not by coincidence also stars in “Beerfest.”


August 2:  National Ice Cream Sandwich Day


On August 2nd, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day encourages us to cool off with one of our favorite frozen treats. Whether it’s vanilla, strawberry or Neopolitan between two chocolate wafers, the dessert sure will hit the spot on a hot summer day.
 The original ice cream sandwich sold for a penny in 1900 from a pushcart in the Bowery neighborhood of New York.  Newspapers never identified the name of the vendor in articles that appeared across the country. However, the ice cream sandwiched between milk biscuits became a hit. Soon, pushcarts popped up around the city and country during the summer months selling the portable treats. Early pictures show beachgoers at Atlantic City getting their ice cream sandwiches for 1 cent each.
 Once ice cream sandwiches became popular, recipes for home cooks filled the papers. The sandwich layers included everything from angel food and sponge cake to shortbread cookies. Restaurants offered the ice cream sandwich as a decadent dessert for travellers. By 1940, grocers sold sandwiches made with crispy wafers. One account claims the modern ice cream sandwich with the chocolate wafer was invented in 1945 by Jerry Newberg. The ice cream maker sold his creation at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, PA. At the time, the storied location was home to the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers.

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