When logging on to Google today, the above image appeared at the Google home page. Google changes its logo periodically to reflect current events and anniversaries. Placing the cursor over the image reveals the significance of the logo, in this case Mark Twain’s 176th birthday.
Some trivia:
Mark Twain;s boyhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, is now a Mark Twain museum. Tom Sawyer's legendary boyhood fence borders the property:
Mark Twain;s boyhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, is now a Mark Twain museum. Tom Sawyer's legendary boyhood fence borders the property:
First edition book cover, 1885
Unlike Twain’s previous work, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn does not have the “The” at the beginning of the title. This has led to speculation that whilst Tom Sawyer’s adventures were complete, further books were to come about Huckleberry Finn. Huck’s book ends with his stating that he intends to head West.