(Note: spoilers ahead).
I came across a news item that Anne Hathaway, cast as Fantine in the movie version of the Les Mis musical, is doing some starvation dieting to film the the scenes of fantine's last days. I was shocked. Not at Anne Hathaway’s dieting but that there was a movie being made of the musical Les Miserables and I didn’t know a thing about it.
Let me put on record that I consider Les Mis the best musical ever, way in front of Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Chicago et al. I hve been a fan ever since I saw the first Sydney production many many moons ago. Normie Rowe was Jan Valjean and I saw it on the evening of Anzac Day, the last performance of the show. The deaths of the students at the barricades were made all the more poignant for me by my having attended the Anzac Day march in the morning. Since then I have never missed a performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. I play the DVD (and before that the VHS video) of the London 10th anniversary concert, with Colin Wilkinson as Jean Valjean, every now and then and I watch every new dramatic version as well (in my opinion Geoffrey Rush has come closest to capturing the complexity of Inspector Javert).
So how did I not know that they are filming the musical version of Les Mis?
Here are some items of information, and some shocks, for like-minded Les Mis fans . . .