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I love this fence.
Some more interesting (and weird) fences below...
New Zealand's famous bra fence.
It began when 4 women left their bras on the fence for some unknown reason in 1999. Other womnen then started doing the same. When it was reported in the local (and later national and international) press, the leaving of bras increased. The authorites and some of the locals were opposed, seeing it as a traffic hazard and an eyesore. Although the bras were removed on a number of occasions, they still kept appearing. Local sheep farmer John Lee, the unofficial custodian of the fence, refused official orders to remove them, citing positive feedback from tourists. The local Council responded that Japanese students studying nearby could be offended, as could other Asian cultures and South Africans. In April 2006, having discovered that the fence was on public land, the Council ordered that the bras be taken off (ha ha). A festival was held to honour the occasion with an attempt to make the longest bra chain. It reached 7,400 bras.
What is it with the Kiwis and fences? A shoe fence in New Zealand.
For a story about toothbrushes and fences in NZ, click on:
From Scotland, how to build a fence without upright posts or cross timbers.
From Russia,
This one's from Missouri. It puts me in mind of that truck in the movie Duel. Remember how the truck had all those number plates on the front? The suggestion was that they were the number plates of cars and occupants that he had previously killed.

From our own Potts Point.
This is taken from the website of the late Alan Waddell, Walk Sydney Streets, at:
When Alan's wife died in 2002, he started walking for exercise and therapy. He became bored with walking the local streets and started walking those in nearby suburbs. From there he determined to walk every road, lane and track in every Sydney suburb. He was 88 when his wife died and he himself was aged 94 when he passed away in September 2008. In that time he walked every road and lane in 284 of Sydney's 631 suburbs. On average he walked 85 minutes per day with a 1 minute stop every ten minutes in order to recover from a leg aneurysm. His blog makes a great browse and he himself is inspirational.
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