Monday, January 20, 2025




My blog issues appear to have been resolved, thanks to my daughter Acacia.  Appreciated Acacia.

Thanks also to the Byters who sent messages confirming receipt of my test post.



The last substantive item posted, when the blog issues started, was an item about my father This did not get emailed out so I am repeating it, with additional photographs at the end.

That post was preceded by the Quote of the Day, which was relevant to the main item:

I wasn't there that morning
When my father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say. . .

I just wish I could have told him in the living years

- Lyrics, The Living Years, Mike + the Mechanics



I try to limit the amount of personal items posted in Bytes lest it become the equivalent of a Facebook page but there is one item I would like to share.

I was perusing some photos of the past in Bored Panda when I came across an image that made me think it was of my dad when he was young. This is the image:

The caption with the photograph is:
In Amsterdam, Holland, In 1953, A Milkman Was Seen Peddling His Dairy Products, Providing Fresh Milk And Other Essentials To The Community

My reason in thinking it was my father is a similar photograph when he was young, also in Holland. 

Here are some photos of my father, Otto, with my comments . . .

A photo montage of my father (1923 – 1979) prepared by me years ago. When he was young, he worked as a delivery man using the same three wheeled cycle, known as a bakfiets in Dutch, see bottom right corner above.

An enlargement of the item from the montage, compare with the Bored Panda image.

Another enlargement from the photo montage.



Apparently these cycles are known as cargo bikes and are still in use today.

A bakfiets is a type of cargo bike that is popular in the Netherlands. The bakfiets means "box bike" and I have read that these bikes are ingrained in Dutch culture.

Some pics of various cargo bikes and other transporter cycles of the past . . .

'Brood' means 'bread'

The person above also resembles my father when he was young.



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