How soon can baby be nuked under a sun lamp? If you said “2 weeks”, then you’re spot on, at least as far as Du Pont was concerned in 1960.
Du Pont has previously featured in Bytes in the context of inappropriate children’s advertising, namely various ads for cellophane that showed babies wrapped in it. See them at:
According to the above advertisement for the Du Pont Health tan Sun Lamp, it’s absolutely safe, so much so that you can sleep under it and hold your newborn under it to go give the bub a “Luxurious Golden Health Tan”. “Be Healthy – Stay Brown th’ Year Round.” Why is it safe enough to clamp on the baby’s cot for the little tyke to sleep under? Because Du Pont Polyester Film blocks out harmful burning rays but passes the good stuff, the “long tanning rays”.
One commentator has suggested that because baby doesn’t know when to turn over while asleep, baby should be strapped to a device like a slowly rotating rotisserie that would enable baby to get an even, all over tan.