Jane Russell, voluptuous star of the Howard Hughes pic The Outlaw (above) and Hollywood sex symbol, died aged 89 in her home on 28 February. She died of respiratory failure after having watched the Oscars with her family.
Contrary to popular belief, in the The Outlaw she did not wear the bra especially designed by Howard Hughes, revealing in her autobiography that it was too uncomfortable. Instead she wore her own bra with the straps down. Censorship restrictions and savvy promotion by Hughes meant that the film generated considerable discussion and received huge publicity.
Bob Hope once introduced her as "the two and only, Jane Russell".
In 1952, she and Marilyn Monroe (with whom she appeared in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, below) were to sign their names and place their handprints in wet cement outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Grauman's was not amused when Marilyn suggested that she and Jane imprint their finest assets for posterity: Jane's breasts and her bottom.