A mixed bag of comments over the last week. Thanks for the input, people.
From Maria B:
Hello Otto
I loved Tarzan as a child but my father adored him!! Even with the language barrier (Dad didn’t speak much English in 1960’s) but he knew exactly what Tarzan was going to do.
I have to admit I like your quote of the day “You are what you believe yourself to be” Paulo Coelho – now to put my hat on and start believing……
Love Maria
Whilst on the topic of Tarzan, from Graham E:
Whilst on the topic of Tarzan, from Graham E:
Hi Mr O,
Further to your Tarzan yell piece, the most famous performer with the yell after Weissmuller was Carol Burnett:
Thanks Graham, but her yell is not a patch on Johnny Weismuller’s:
Maria also sent me an email on the poem Buttprints in the Sand:
Maria also sent me an email on the poem Buttprints in the Sand:
Hello Otto
I loved the poems but the one that really struck me was the butt one!
How true it is, fight or give up….
Love Maria
Tim B feels differently:
Hi Otto,
I like the first post better. As a believer I don’t rely on God to always carry me. I believe He gives me choices and to make it on my own, with Him beside me. If there are times when I need to get over a hurdle, He is always there. Just me.
PS. Don’t know why your veins and arteries crystallize reading this poem, mine didn’t reading the second post. Maybe you need to find God, it may give you a little peace.
Brett B took me to ask for the caption on one of the photos:
Brett B took me to ask for the caption on one of the photos:
Interesting post, as always, but a mistake: the penultimate picture (labeled Saint Paul, Minnesota, Lucy, Woodstock) is really Woodstock on the back of the bench, sitting on the bench reading is Marcie, and Peppermint Patty is in the background, kicking the football.

Dear OttoCharles is probably the only male reader who looks at an upskirts of Audrey Hepburn and notices the garbage bin in the background.
The photograph of Audrey Hepburn proves what goes around comes around.
The kitchen bin behind her is lined with newspaper. In the 1960s, before glad bags were invented/marketed, households had metal or plastic kitchen bins which were lined with newspaper. Most garbage bins were made of metal, although some later versions were made of plastic. I recall that it was my job as a young teenager to line the metal garbage bin with newspaper following the council garbage collection which occurred twice per week.
Scraps were wrapped up in newspaper before they were placed in either the kitchen bin or the household garbage bin. Plastic was rarely used. I suspect that plastic was more expensive than paper in those days.
It may be the reason that newspapers were published twice per day! Maybe plastic is the real cause of the demise of the journalists!
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