Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Miep Gies

I recently published a quote from Adolf Hitler, not because I admire him but because his comment was of interest to his outlook and because his comment still has a relevance today. The quote was
“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.”
In saying that, I am not putting myself above the people referred to, I am as slack as the next man, or woman, when it comes to government action.

What came as a shock was that just after emailing the quote, I heard on the morning news that the person who had befriended Anne Frank, who had smuggled her food and discovered her diary, which was later given to Anne’s father, had died that day. How weird is it that just after posting a Hitler quote you hear that news?

The story of that woman, Miep Gies, follows. It has been taken from the Daily Mail and is reprinted unaltered, with the photos that accompanied the article. It is lengthy but well worth the read.

After reading the article, I realised a couple of things. Firstly, that ordinary people do rise to meet extraordinary situations. We all have that potential within us. Secondly, that standing up against injustice, tyranny or what is perceive to be wrong does not necessarily require taking to the streets, it can be as simple as hiding your friends in an attic and bringing them food daily, despite the risk of discovery. Her actions are an inspiration and a silent refutation of Hitler’s words.

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