Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I read the news today, oh boy . . .



Risque content and images ahead. 

(I began adding these cautions after a reader took me to task years ago for posting risque content, then saying that she would unsubscribe unless I apologised. I refused to apologise but I don’t recall whether she unsubscribed. I sometimes wonder, though, whether the risqué content warning is actually an attraction to read further.) 


Vagina sculpture: 

Artist Juliana Notari has copped a backlash from the right for unveiling a 33-metre reinforced concrete and resin vagina in a rural art park on the grounds of a former sugar mill in Pernambuco, Brazil. The sculpture is hand made and is called Diva, which, according to the artist, is intended to “question the relationship between nature and culture in our phallocentric and anthropocentric western society” and provoke debate over the “problematisation of gender”.  Yeah, okay.

Needless to say, the sculpture has both its supporters and its critics, many of them hostile and aggressive. 

Some pics (some of the media photographs pixilate the images, which defeats the purpose of showing photographs of the sculpture. so these are not pixilated): 

Juliana Notari


The subject has caused puns galore in the headings to the articles (eg, see the second source above, “vagina sculpture arouses anger”). 

Some thoughts: 

- Should there not also be a 33 metre willy in the interests of gender neutrality and no bias, as well as permitting more puns about erections and so on. 

- If a worker was injuring constructing the sculpture, what would he put on his report/claim form? “I misplaced my footing and fell into a 33m vagina" ?


Earring proposal: 

Hannah Luck, of the US, was excited when her bf of 6 years got down on one knee with a ring box in his hand in front of family members at Christmas. She burst into tears of joy and clasped her hands to her face in shock, anticipating the words 'Will you marry me?'. Instead, the ah said “I love you so much, it's been six years. Will you please... take these earrings?” He then lifted the lid to reveal two glittering stud earrings where the ring should have been. 

That was his little Christmas joke. Funny. 

Hannah has since confirmed that she's forgiven him and that they’re now engaged. 

Should’ve tossed him out the door, then followed with the earrings. 



Snake hitches ride 

Snakes and spiders creep me out. That would be true of any normal, sane person. Leave touching them, much less picking them up, to the weirdos. 

That’s why I am in awe of this guy, who was driving in Stroud NSW when a FBS (big snake) suddenly appeared outside his window whilst hitching a ride on the car . . . 

His girlfriend filmed it, including his exclamation “Holy shit!” Her comment: “What the fuck?” 

You can see the video by clicking on the following link and activating the video: 

They eventually stopped the car and the snake was returned to the wild. 

I hope that I will never be in that situation, or of having a spider walk across the inside of my windscreen, or . . . enough. 


To flash or not to flash . . . 

An Australian woman started a heated debate online about whether drivers should flash their headlights to warn others about nearby police. She said that is what we do here in Oz, what do people in other countries do? Overseas residents said that the practice is the same but it touched of a debate as to whether it should be done. 

I don’t do it and firmly believe that it should not be done. What happens if the person you flash and thereby escapes detection is a drunk or drugged driver, or a speeder, who might have been detected but then kills an innocent family? Let them follow the rules. 

What say you? 

From the woman’s dashcam: A black Holden Commodore (pictured) flashes their lights to oncoming traffic to warn of police ahead 


By the way #1: 

There is no specific Road Rule in NSW that states that you are not allowed to dip your lights to warn other road users that the police are ahead. However, you could receive an infringement if a police officer was to allege that while you were warning another driver, you are also likely to dazzle them. 

NSW Road Rule 219 states a driver must not use, or allow to be used, any light fitted to or in the driver’s vehicle to dazzle, or in a way that is likely to dazzle, another road user. This type of offence can attract 1 demerit point and a $110 fine. 

Another more specific Road Rule in NSW is Road Rule 218 which states: 

The driver of a vehicle must not use the vehicle’s headlights on high-beam, or allow the vehicle’s headlights to be used on high-beam, if the driver is driving: (a) less than 200 metres behind a vehicle travelling in the same direction as the driver, or (b) less than 200 metres from an oncoming vehicle. 


By the way #2: 

Stories which do the rounds from time to time that prospective new gang members are being initiated by killing the drivers of cars who flash their headlights at them, in response to the gang car driving without lights, are BS. 



Yay for the Day to Adidas: 

Adidas is going plant-based. The athletic-wear company announced on Monday that it's working on a new material, a plant-based leather that will be used to make shoes. The leather alternative is made from mycelium, which is part of a fungus. Adidas said it is working on the plant-based leather with partners, but did not announce when shoes made with the material would join its lineup. 

The new material is one of several sustainability initiatives for Adidas, which has stated a goal to end plastic waste. In 2020, it produced 15 million pairs of shoes made from recycled plastic waste and said its goal is to produce 17 million pairs next year. The plastic used in the shoes was collected from beaches and coastal regions, 



Fauci effect: 

Medical schools applications have dramatically increased as the coronavirus outbreak prompts young people to reconsider health care professions. Applications are up 18% nationwide to medical school nationwide, compared to the same period last year, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. 

It's been called the "Fauci effect," with academics attributing the surge to the visibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 

In addition to the visibility of science and medicine, other factors are in play. The quarantine has given more people the considerable time needed to fill out medical-school applications. The economic toll of the pandemic, which has cost nearly 10 million people their jobs, is also prompting some to seek a high-paying career, medical-school deans say. 



Machete feeds: 

Danny Trejo an American actor who has appeared in numerous Hollywood films including Heat (1995), Con Air (1997), and Desperado (1995). He is most widely as the character Machete, who uses guess-what-item as his weapon of choice. The Machete films also changed his roles from bad guy to good guy. 

(Films on your 'must watch' list now, Steve?)

Over the years, Trejo has opened a series of successful Los Angeles restaurants. His first was Trejo's Tacos (2016), followed by Trejo's Cantina (2017) and Trejo's Coffee & Donuts (2017). He also has his own brands of beer, coffee, and various merchandise, with ice cream sandwiches under development. 

So why am I telling you this? 

Because Machete has paired up with The Everest Foundation to help feed over 800 families of frontline workers in East LA with a drive-up food giveaway. 

Machete gets the second Yay for the Day . . . 




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